+44 (0)20 8559 2111

Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o


State / Province / Region

Postal / Zip Code


Limit of indemnity £10,000,000.


Limit of indemnity £5,000,000. Please state if additional limit is required e.g. £10,000,000.

No Director, partner, trustee or committee member has:

  • ever had any non-motor convictions or criminal offences which are not spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act or has any prosecutions pending
  • been declared bankrupt or insolvent or been the subject of bankruptcy proceedings or insolvency proceedings within the last 6 years
  • ever had a proposal refused or declined or ever had an insurance cancelled, renewal refused or had special terms imposed

You have a full health & safety policy, risk assessments have been undertaken for all your activities and you comply with all statutory regulations.

You carry out DBS Checks (or equivalent agency) on all staff and volunteers who have contact with children or vulnerable adults.

Your premises if insured are of standard construction (built of brick/stone/concrete and roofed with slates/tiles/metal/concrete) are free from damage, show no signs of subsidence and have no history of flooding.

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